Sunday , 15 September 2024
Home / Stools / Plastic step stool with storage safety  tips
Plastic step stool with storage
safety  tips

Plastic step stool with storage safety  tips

There are many people that get injured by falling from the step stools. Some of the injuries are minor such as cuts or bruises. On the other hand sometimes you may get some serious injurious. It has been seen that people suffer from serious injuries. It is a matter of fact that one can easily fall from the step stool. You would be amazed to know that over 1 million step stools were recalled only because of the safety issues. It is a moment to think. You can’t simply risk your life. Few people may think that it is not the big deal. Well, in fact it is a big deal. You need to take care of few things while buying a step stool in order to ensure that you get the best.


When buying step stool you need to ensure that

  • Base is wider than the top.
  • Legs are fitted with the tips
  • The surface of the step is non skid.
  • It is according to the safety standards and is manufactured by a reputable company.

When you are using the step stool you need to ensure that

  • It is tall enough
  • It is locked
  • It is strong
  • It doesn’t stretch
  • It is placed evenly
  • You don’t lean
  • You must have someone with you
  • You must only go for items that are in front of you.
  • You are climbing facing the steps.