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There are many different outdoor furniture which you can see around you. There are plenty which are made from wood. The most popular material and so that is why the occurrence of wood in furniture making is quite common. There are different kinds of wood that you can use to make wooden patio furniture. The different woods would give you different durability and the usage. Some of the woods are not ideal for outdoors and others need more maintenance. The most commonly used wood however is teak. This is popular because of its durability. This tree is most resistant against all weather conditions.
Caring for the wooden patio furniture
Like all the different kinds of furniture which you can see around you, the wooden patio furniture can also be taken care of the same way. The color of the furniture can be changed by using varnish and paint, however with this you need to add some of the wood conditioners as well. This is however left for you to decide on what kind you want to use. There are some green ideas as well which are nature friendly and less chemicals.
The color of the wood
With the nature playing its part well, the color of the furniture would continue to change. This is quite common as it gets exposed to nature. The original furniture may start as being bright red and you would add some brighteners and cleaners. However sooner or later it would start slowly to fade and would eventually end up getting close to silvery gray. To maintain the brownish gold color you should ensure that you sand down the furniture often. The other most important aspect is to apply oil. This would help keep the color and the shine.
Cedar and patio furniture
The wood called cedar is used to make the cedar patio furniture. This is maintained by applying and oil, this is aromatic oil and helps to get rid of pests. This is ideal for the outdoors and the biggest reason is the smell. The smell which this wood generates helps keeps pests and even rodents away. During summer this wood remains cold and would not absorb sun’s heat. The color of it is also an ideal cinnamon color. This is one of the most elegant ways of adding some color and beauty to the patio. You may or may not have a garden; however this furniture would help make the garden look beautiful.
When there are different kinds of furniture, one may wonder why we are still advocating wood. This is because it is closer to nature; it helps keep a rustic appearance to the outdoors.
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