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It is not only beautiful looking colorful flowers, birds, and butterflies that spice up a garden and make it the true heaven on earth; those colorful bright and cheerful prim looking umbrellas placed at various strategic points in a garden that adds to the ambiance of a garden. It is always wonderful to sit under a shade and enjoy a glass of lemonade or a piece of cake as one dreamily looks at all the liveliness of a garden.
Appearance and Utility in Garden Umbrellas
Both the aspects: utility and appearance are to be considered while choosing the best umbrella for your garden. It should be colorful and bright. Looking at it should bring joy and happiness. Children should look at it and spontaneously break into laughter. Adults should find it festive and refreshing. Monotonous and boring colors should be avoided. Dull and coarse materials should be rejected. At the same time, such articles like garden seats are exposed to harsh weather and therefore, they should be made of durable materials. The umbrella should be of the best materials that can withstand inclement conditions. The handle should be long enough to provide shade to a person while sitting or while standing. It should not hinder the view both of the garden and of the sky. The umbrella should be large enough to accommodate at least three persons comfortably.
The pole of the umbrella should have a pointed end which would allow planting the piece firmly in the ground. There are also designs that have more than one pole which gives stability in strong winds. How often a funny scene follows when an umbrella picks off itself from the ground and flies off forcing the people to run after it. The same situation can become a party spoiler if the umbrella folds down and falls on the occupants and scatters all the party things. The various sharp parts of the object can even cause injury. Therefore, the pole should be strong enough to withstand gusts that can be usually found in gardens.
Foldable umbrellas should be preferred over permanent fixtures. An important aspect of foldable ones is that they are portable and can be moved to different places. This can come very handy in situations where the direction of the sun forces replacing the umbrella in order to get the maximum shade. It is very useful when the occupants wish to relocate their party in order to have a better view of the garden. Foldable ones are easy to maintain. Permanent ones are difficult to maintain. They are to be cleaned and as they are continuously exposed to the harsh weather, they get worn out easily. Relocating fixed umbrellas can be very difficult and cannot be done within a short time. Foldable ones can be easily washed and maintained. They can be stored in safe places when not in use. Garden umbrellas can be pretty things and can cheer up a person and lift his mood.
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