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There is wide selection of kid beds with different styles and designs. They also have storage facility and drawers. Depending upon the size of the child’s bedroom one can select the bed for the children. The bed for the child is not a place for sleeping. They do lot of stuff besides sleeping on the bed. Children love to spend most of their time on their bed. Therefore their bed should be special and selected with care. Age of the children is also an important deciding factor for children beds. One should also pay attention on mattress for the children’s bed.
Types of children beds
Bunk beds: They preferably for bigger families. These are perfect for siblings sharing the same room and If the space in the room is small.
High sleepers: They are same as bunk beds but there is no bed at the bottom. There can be either children desks or cabinets below the bed.
Mid sleepers: They are raised and may comprise of play area or storage.
Cabin beds: They are smaller in size and suitable for young children. There might be little or no storage space in these kinds of beds.
Divan beds: They are very versatile and have firm mattresses or base. These are bigger beds with huge storage capacity.
TV beds: They have built in TV with the bed. They are also called multimedia beds. They may have storage space for placing CD’s, DVD player etc.
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